Sisters and Brothers it's time to draw a line in the sand, we've got to make a stand, we've got to make our voices heard. There are too many apps on our phones and it's time to start deleting. Friends, no longer will we setup even more passwords, download spyware or update a thousand apps on our phones. It's time for a revolution - the App Free Revolution!
There are too many apps on our phones
We keep being told Construction is behind the curve with technology, but that's not what we hear out in the field. Each job seems to come with a new set of apps to learn, interfaces to navigate, and passwords to remember. Ladies and Gentlemen, App Fatigue is real, and it's hurting. That's why at we're kicking off the App Free Revolution!

The App Free Revolution!
We have a dream that one day Carpenters and Electricians, Plasterers and Glaziers, and yes, even General Contractors will be able to work onsite, side by side, with nothing more than a text message or two.
Sounds crazy right? But with our Manpower Bot we've already made it possible to log Manpower by just replying to an SMS. That means Subcontractors have one less app to download if the GC is using Procore together with
Subcontractors have one less app to download
It also means the Superintendents for those GCs no longer spend their precious time chasing Foremen to log Manpower, or worse still, logging it themselves. Nyfty Bot takes care of that for them - and nobody, not even the Superintendent, needs to download an app. So to put our money where our mouth is, today we removed our own app from the App Store and Play Store.
We removed our app from the App Store and Play Store.
We can't preach the virtues of an App Free Revolution whilst asking Superintendents and Foremen to download our App. Whilst we'll miss our little Voice App, we know the future is APP FREE. Set and forget people, SET AND FORGET!!
...the future is APP FREE
Our Bots act independently using SMS, they reach out to Superintendents when needed, they collect Manpower Logs from Subcontractors, and they write the data to Procore everyday - no matter what - all without the need to download yet another app.

This is just the start of the App Free Revolution, we'll be releasing new Bots over the coming weeks and months, and in every case, the Bots will save time for Superintendents, Foreman, Project Managers and Safety Teams alike.
all without the need to download yet another app.
And did we mention you don't even need a new password to setup
You simply use your Procore account to login, it's that simple.