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Robot Helpers for Procore

QR code + Text Bots Bots now accessible 

Automate Manual Workflows using's automation Bots

 Nyfty Automation Bots for Procore projects gloablly. Nyfty Bots automate Site Attendance, Health Surveys, Manpower and Inspections approved for use on Turner Construction Projects.

Site Registration

QR Code & SMS based Attendance Register and Contact Management A.I. Assistant

COVID Prescreening

Text Message & Web based COVID Health screening A.I. Assistant. Instant analysis & escalation to a human

Instant Site Communication

SMS / Text Message based instant broadcast A.I. Assistant. Intelligent contact management

Procore Automation

Automated A.I. for Manpower, Inclusion & Diversity, Construction Report, Inspections, Hazards, Reminders and Directory.

NYFTY.AI Overview (November 2020)
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Nyfty Bots for Procore Construction Projects:

Attendance Bot for Procore

Let Attendance Bot mange site registration. Workers and visitors initially check-in by SMS / QR Code, then Nyfty takes over verifying who is onsite each day by text message. It links to Health Survey Bot to conduct COVID-19 Wellness Checks, can capture contacts, time, manpower, and diversity data. All of which can be logged in Procore. (+Non Procore Version Available)

Health Survey Bot for Procore

Let Health Survey Bot conduct COVID-19 Wellness Checks on your construction site. It conducts the surveys via SMS, escalates any issues to you and can save each Survey as an Inspection in Procore. Get responses from Foreman or everybody onsite linking to Attendance Bot. (+Non Procore Version Available)

Broadcast Bot for Procore

Broadcast Bot relays your Site Announcements, logs them as a Note in Procore's Daily Log, and manages the responses. It's like group chat, but without the all the noise! By linking to Attendance Bot you can intelligently messages groups like 'every Foreman this week'.

Manpower Bot for Procore

Let Manpower Bot complete your Manpower Logs in Procore. It contacts sub-contractors or staff via SMS to get logs from them, ready for Approval in Procore. It understands natural language, so it's a simple as replying to a text message.

Hazard & Injury Bot for Procore

Encourage workers to report Hazards anonymously (unsafe act, condition or near miss), and report Injuries (not anonymously). Nyfty captures the report via QR Code / SMS, creates an Incident in Procore, notifies you, and allows you to follow up with the them for up-to 72 Hours.

Daily Inspections Bot for Procore

Let Daily Inspections Bot get your Inspection completed on your site. It sends an SMS, linking to the Inspection which can be completed over SMS or via Web Form. It escalates any issues to you and saves each record as an Inspection in Procore. Triggered by a Schedule or Attendance Bot. 

Directory Bot for Procore

Onboard new users to Procore Directory via QR Code. Ensure everybody is working from the same data by making it easy to request access to Procore. Workers are added the project directory ready for you to send the invite.

Reminders Bot for Procore Forms

Let Reminders Bot ensure Forms & Inspections are completed on time. It chases overdue forms & inspections via text message, escalates any issues to you, and logs its conversations in Procore. It remembers to chase people, even when you're too busy.

Try the bots now


We don't have a sales team so you will not be inundated with high pressure sales calls, or any sales calls for that matter. Our growth comes from word of mouth and a great product.

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